Deborah Martin's blog

Deborah Martin's picture

Coaching with Di Huber

We're very excited to be having one of our favorite coaches, Di Huber, visit us in October.  Di has impeccable Sweet Adelines qualifications:  Director of River Blenders Chorus for 25 years; Bass of 1896 Queens of Harmony, Ambiance quartet; past Sweet Adelines International President.  More than that, she's an inspiring coach who's generous with her knowledge and encouragement.  

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24 July, 2024 - 16:00
Want to find your inner singing diva? Come along to our FREE Taster Nights on Wednesday 21st and Wednesday... more
29 May, 2024 - 12:50
‘It was like all the colours of the rainbow had come together in the most shimmering, electrifying sound’.... more
26 April, 2024 - 08:45
Fremantle will be humming in four part harmony when choruses and quartets arrive from all over the country... more