Return to face to face rehearsals

Deborah Martin's picture

What a pain it has been

What a nightmarish scene

Why, it’s almost like:

‘Hey, so what’s new?’

Yes, after two years of disruptions, restrictions and endless re-arrangements, there isn’t much left that can faze the CKC chorus members. So when Sydney was deluged with record-breaking rain and flash flooding over the last few weeks, we took it in our stride without missing a beat. These days, Zoom meetings are just another string to our ‘new normal’ bow, and we can switch from one arrangement to another like a team of change management experts – which is exactly what we’ve become.

Our first face-to-face rehearsal for this year was held in February. There were hugs and cheers all round as we greeted each other in the flesh, after spending so much time last year looking at each other on flat screens. All our voices needed a good workout, and Master Director Vicki Dwyer put us through a full revision of basic singing skills and barbershop principles.

We are now preparing for the Sweet Adelines Region 34 Festival, due to be held in Adelaide in May. We will be submitting our competition performance via video, comprising an uptune and a ballad.

The chorus celebrated Harmony Day on 23rd March, with a special supper after rehearsal. It was actually a double celebration for us, since it’s also 26 years since Circular Keys Chorus formed and joined up with Sweet Adelines International. This gave us a good reason to put birthday candles on the cake. It also gave us an excellent excuse to close our eyes and make a wish as the candles were extinguished – all secret wishes, of course, but no doubt many along the lines of hoping for a somewhat less chaotic year ahead, a good result in the upcoming competition, and a thankfulness for the special bond that we share.

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