Congratulations to the winners, and well done to all participants!

Deborah Martin's picture

After a three year break since the last Sweet Adelines Region 34 Contest, the Australia-wide event was back in business as a ‘video contest’ this year. The performances were streamed via YouTube on Saturday, 4th June as the audience watched on from their lounge rooms at home.

This year all entries were submitted in advance as video recordings. Nonetheless, the results were still announced live by Sweet Adelines International Board Member, Joan Boutilier, during the event that went to air direct from the US.

Everyone was wondering what the performance standards would be like this year, considering we had all been learning to cope with some very strange changes to our usual preparations, including lockdowns, virtual rehearsals and cancelled live events. But the quality of the performances was truly amazing, and it was wonderful to hear the depth of passion and commitment in the voices of our sisters in song from around Australia.

Circular Keys Chorus came second in the ‘mid-sized chorus’ category with a score of 572 points, and third place overall out of 18 contestants. The overall winner was Brindabella Chorus with a score of 619. Our songs were: I Wish You Love and Almost Like Being in Love. Despite some problems on the day of the recording with some noisy birds outside the hall that wanted to contribute their own harmonies, the final result sounded beautiful and the costumes looked fabulous.

There were three CKC quartets among the 18 contestants in the quartet division. Alouette (Vicki, Dianne, Kaitlyn and Crystal) took out fourth place with a score of 581 points. The winner, Debacle (from Brindabella), scored 608 points, showing just how close the competition was among the top performers. Kephi (Rachael, Anne, Jane and Betty) was awarded ‘Best Novice Quartet’ as first-time entrants in the contest. Tango (Krista, Linda, Inese and Jenny) didn’t achieve a place, but were also very pleased to have entered the Sweet Adelines contest for the first time.

Congratulations to all performers on your efforts this year! The standards are always so high because of the dedication of everyone involved as they participate in this exciting, rewarding, and at times spine-tingling ‘extreme sport’ for singers.

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