Refreshed and recharged for the new year

Deborah Martin's picture

Weekly rehearsals have resumed for 2023, and Circular Keys Chorus is back in full swing preparing for this year’s busy schedule of events. But like a dynamo that never actually winds down, CKC still had plenty of engagements to attend to over the Christmas-New Year break.

The Chorus sang Christmas carols at several festivals in December – including events at Kenthurst Park, Blacktown Civic Plaza and Martin Place Sydney. The City of Sydney performances are always a highlight, singing under the enormous sparkling Christmas tree and helping to create the magical aura that draws in thousands of parents and their mesmerised children each year.

Smaller groups of CKC members also stayed busy with local activities, such as a Bunnings fundraising barbeque, quartet carol singing and a Bunch of Keys performance for the residents at Mark Donaldson House, Galston. 

On 26th January, CKC performed at the Australia Day celebration and citizenship ceremony in Parramatta Park. A small part of the performance was broadcast live on the Channel 9 Today Show, against a backdrop of colourful, beautiful hot air balloons.

The chorus is now busy preparing for the Sweet Adelines Southern Cross Region competition to be held in Brisbane in early May, working tirelessly on our two competition songs – a beautiful ballad by French composer Charles Trenet and a jazzy number from the musical Brigadoon. Forty CKC members and three quartets will travel to Brisbane for the four day event to be held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.  The Convention will be attended by more than twenty five Sweet Adelines affiliated choruses from across Australia. They will be competing for the opportunity to travel to the US in 2024 for the Sweet Adelines International Annual Convention and Competition

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