It must be spring!

Kathleen Ware's picture

Blossoms on trees, warmth in the breeze, love in the air, delights everywhere. Spring is always an invigorating time of year and this year it started earlier than ever.

There was no better way to kick off the season of new beginnings than with the wedding of Kaity and Courtney. They tied the knot in a beautiful ceremony on 16th August. CKC was there to serenade the gathering with two songs, and the married couple of barely 5 minutes stepped back into the chorus for the performances.  

We also welcomed Lea Beverley in August for an evening of coaching. Lea is an international expression judge and Sweet Adelines International coach, based in Seattle.

In July and August we held a series of ‘taster’ nights for prospective members who were interested in seeing and hearing what we do each week. Some of these women have returned to learn more about barbershop singing, and hopefully they will continue with us to become full members.   

Ursula joined our ranks as a fully-fledged baritone this month. Ursula is already proving to be a valuable member of CKC.

Alouette have accepted an invitation to compete in the Sweet Adelines Internation Quartet competition in Kansas City, Missouri, in October. They couldn’t be more excited and have been busy fundraising with a GoFundMe page, trivia night, karaoke night, cake stalls and sausage sizzles. Check out Alouette’s Facebook page for more details. It’s not too late to donate!

Preparations are well underway for our annual Carols in the City performances. We have a number of gigs booked with the City of Sydney, starting in late November and continuing throughout December. It’s always a highlight of our year to perform at Martin Place and the QVB, and help to create a magical space for the kids, parents, shoppers and world-weary business people who walk past and are drawn in by the enchanting sounds of 4-part Christmas carol harmony. Everyone gets to take away some of that wonderful warm-hug feeling with them – us included!

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22 September, 2024 - 15:27
Blossoms on trees, warmth in the breeze, love in the air, delights everywhere. Spring is always an... more
24 July, 2024 - 16:00
Want to find your inner singing diva? Come along to our FREE Taster Nights on Wednesday 21st and Wednesday... more
29 May, 2024 - 12:50
‘It was like all the colours of the rainbow had come together in the most shimmering, electrifying sound’.... more