Recent news

19 April, 2023 - 10:56

It’s just a few sleeps to go until the Sweet Adelines Southern Cross Region competition begins – starting on Thursday, 4th May, and running until Sunday, 7th May.

Over four days at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, the best female barbershop choruses and...

15 February, 2023 - 13:31

Weekly rehearsals have resumed for 2023, and Circular Keys Chorus is back in full swing preparing for this year’s busy schedule of events. But like a dynamo that never actually winds down, CKC still had plenty of engagements to attend to over the Christmas-New Year break.

The Chorus sang...

5 October, 2022 - 14:17

What better way to celebrate the blossoming of spring, and the waning of a three-year covid winter, than to warm the hearts of an appreciative audience with song. On Friday 16th September 2022 the Bunch of Keys emerged from hibernation and performed for the Discovery Group at the West Epping...

28 July, 2022 - 21:07

Even the stormy July weather was no match for the radiant warmth being generated at the ‘Sing and Shine’ family concert and graduation ceremony, held on Sunday 17th July in the chapel of St Josephs Baulkham Hills. The winter sun was coaxed out from behind the relentless rain clouds...

8 June, 2022 - 11:28

After a three year break since the last Sweet Adelines Region 34 Contest, the Australia-wide event was back in business as a ‘video contest’ this year. The performances were streamed via YouTube on Saturday, 4th June as the audience watched on from their lounge rooms at home.


14 April, 2022 - 18:12

What a pain it has been

What a nightmarish scene

Why, it’s almost like:

‘Hey, so what’s new?’

Yes, after two years of disruptions, restrictions and endless re-arrangements, there isn’t much left that can faze the CKC chorus members. So when Sydney was deluged with...

7 May, 2020 - 09:50

CKC has been rehearsing via Zoom every Wednesday night, lead by our unsinkable Director, Vicki Dwyer. We start every rehearsal with physical and vocal warmups.  We've been working on new songs as well as maintaining our current repertoire.  Because of time lags, we can't really sing together;...

24 November, 2019 - 10:27

CKC sang Christmas carols on the steps of Sydney Town Hall last night to help City of Sydney launch Christmas in the City.  If you missed us, you can catch us again on Saturday, 30th November and Sunday, 15th December, somewhere in the Sydney CBD.

3 February, 2019 - 16:59

If you weren't up at sunrise on 25th January, Alouette Quartet represented Circular Keys Chorus on Channel 7 Sunrise promoting the activites for Parramatta's Australia Day. See them here.


3 February, 2019 - 16:29

Register for our Learn To Sing A Cappella short course here:

28 November, 2018 - 17:04

We love singing Christmas carols in Martin Place for City of Sydney.  This young audience member had an impromptu lesson in directing from Vicki.

2 November, 2018 - 10:47

We're thrilled to have achieved third place in the Sweet Adelines Harmony Classic competition for small choruses in St Louis. We performed the plan, our audience laughed in all the right places, and our judges stopped writing and looked up to watch us.  Feedback from our audience was all...



Featured Events

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13 February, 2025 - 16:51
Sweet Adelines choruses from all over the world are now in full preparation mode as this year’s international... more
9 November, 2024 - 20:42
30 October, 2024 - 11:53
It’s official! Circular Keys Chorus is going to Ohio USA to compete in the 2025 Sweet Adelines International... more