We’re counting down the days

Kathleen Ware's picture

It’s just a few sleeps to go until the Sweet Adelines Southern Cross Region competition begins – starting on Thursday, 4th May, and running until Sunday, 7th May.

Over four days at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, the best female barbershop choruses and quartets from around Australia will go head to head as they vie for a place in this annual flagship event.

Annual it is, but it feels like years since everyone was competing on the same stage, wowing the live audiences and impressing the judges sitting just metres away. That’s because it IS years since the last fully live event, before we suddenly had to adapt to a new reality of face masks and social distancing. So it’s all the more reason to be getting excited about this year’s performances, where we can all share again in the immediacy of creating live four-part harmony.

Circular Keys Chorus has been working on two wonderful competition pieces – a beautiful ballad by French composer Charles Trenet and a jazzy uptune from the musical Brigadoon. Three quartets from CKC will also be competing this year – Kephi, Tango and Alouette.

CKC director, Vicki Dwyer, said: ‘We’re really looking forward to singing in Brisbane. We’re confident that we have what it takes to do well in the competition, and we’ve been working hard in rehearsals, especially at our recent weekend workshop with the dynamic Bec Hewitt (Regional Education Coordinator)’.

The Sweet Adelines Australia convention promises to be a thrilling event, and the CKC entrants are aiming to be up there with the best of them. But the competition will be fierce, as always, so regardless of the placings, everyone who attends, whether they’re standing on stage or sitting in the audience, are sure to come away feeling exhilarated and inspired  by the experience.

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